Vox School of discipleship Is...

A unique combination of classroom learning, hands-on experience, and great adventure.


Classroom Learning


Vox is a unique discipleship program because of our university partnership that allows our students to graduate with 27 fully-transferable college credits! So we are not simply a discipleship initiative, but actually an accredited academic discipleship experience

Our gifted teaching faculty and guest lecturers come from a variety of different industries and educational backgrounds. In addition to the courses taken for credit, students can expect to glean instruction, experience, and wisdom from numerous streams of input and opportunity.

Core areas of learning and growth include the following:

  • Biblical Teaching and Spiritual Formation:

    • Old and New Testament survey, hermeneutics, apologetics and evangelism, spiritual disciplines, role of the Holy Spirit, basic Christian doctrine and theology, principles of the church and church history, and more.

  • Leadership and Character Development:

    • Leadership principles, missional thinking and engagement, conflict resolution, communication & public speaking, addressed through a biblical world lens.

  • Clarity of Identity and Calling:

    • Dating and relationships, Biblical masculinity/femininity, personality and gifting, vocational direction, and more.


Hands-On Experience


The Hands-On Experience component of Vox is an extremely unique aspect of our school because we give students the opportunity to dip their toe in the water of a vocational area of interest. Students use their “hands” to both serve in the community and, through experiential learning, hone abilities and gain better insight into their natural giftedness.

Both facets of the Hands-On Experience component of the school have potential to guide the student’s pathway towards a vocation.

Experiential Learning:

Through micro-apprenticeships, we connect our students with experts who offer them a glimpse into an area of interest to which they are drawn. From graphic design to the classroom, to shadowing open heart surgery, God has faithfully opened doors for our students time and time again.

The Vox Community:

Students learn to carry weight on the home front. From meal planning, to community cooking, to regular chores and responsibilities, students gain competence and confidence in the importance of serving those closest to home. This includes ongoing opportunities to serve within the Vox community as well as coming alongside the Look Up Lodge team to learn and lend strength.

Serving Locally:

Our students have the opportunity to serve in various types of ministries throughout the Greenville area on a weekly basis. Students are educated and exposed to numerous ministry forms at the start of the year, then commit to impactful weekly service per semester at one partner location. Examples of those ministries include:


Great Adventure


Each month students spend time traveling in a series of different adventures. Our trips are designed to apply and reinforce the ideas and principles we are teaching throughout the school year. Half these trips are outdoor adventures, while the others are Service Learning trips. We believe these experiences, although challenging, are a crucial part of galvanizing a student’s character and competency while broadening their horizons.

Examples of PAST adventures include: 

A student on one of our great adventure trips in Moab, Utah. One of our core components is "great adventure." Students go on five adventure trips and four mission trips over the course of their nine months at Vox Bivium Gap Year School.
Vox Bivium Adventure Trips and Mission Trips (Louisville, Kentucky, Kayaking on Lake Jocassee, South Carolina, Gatlinburg, Tennessee Mission Trip, Philadelphia and New York Urban Mission Trip. Caving Adventure Trip, Colorado and Utah Adventure Trip …



2023 - 2024 Tuition: $27,600*

The costs include all room and board, classroom books and materials, and all travel expenses. Students can come with nothing more than spending money and be set for the year.

*Because of our unique partnership with Columbia International University, federal and state aid may be available for students who are eligible. South Carolina HOPE/LIFE/PALMETTO FELLOW recipients may need to take additional online classes to maintain their state merit scholarship after the VOX program. If there are further questions, follow this link for more information including contact information and FAQ’s. These opportunities may include financial assitence such as Pell Grants, student loans, and the use of 529 savings plans. Creative financial options are available, including fundraising and payment plans.

Vox has also established the Amy Todd scholarship to honor our friend and former faculty member’s legacy. After enrolling, students are eligible to be considered for this scholarship. Each school year, at least one scholarship of no less than $1,000 will be awarded to qualifying student(s). More detail on qualifying for this scholarship is sent to students upon enrollment.

“Vocation”: It comes from the Latin vocare, to call, and means the work a man is called to do by God. There are all different kinds of voices calling you to all different kinds of work, and the problem is to find out which is the voice of God rather than of Society, say, or the Super-ego, or Self-interest. By and large a good rule for finding out is this. The kind of work God usually calls you to is the kind of work (a) that you need most to do and (b) that the world most needs to have done. If you really get a kick out of your work, you’ve presumably met requirement A, but if your work is writing TV deodorant commercials, the chances are you’ve missed requirement B. On the other hand, if your work is being a doctor in a leper colony, you have probably met requirement B, but if most of the time you’re bored and depressed by it, the chances are you have not only bypassed A but probably aren’t helping your patients much either. Neither the hair shirt nor the soft berth will do. The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.
— Wishful Thinking by Frederick Buechner